Divyarthi Mohan (she/her)

Tel Aviv University

School of Computer Science

Email <firstname>m@tau.ac.il

Hi! I am Divyarthi Mohan (I also go by Divya). I am a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University hosted by Prof. Michal Feldman. During Fall'22, I was a J.P. Morgan Research Fellow at the Simons Institute in Berkeley for the Graph Limits and Processes on Networks program. 

I received my PhD in Computer Science from Princeton University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Matt Weinberg. During my PhD, I had the opportunity to work as a research intern at Microsoft and Google.

My research interest broadly lies at the intersection of Computer Science and Economics. I am primarily interested in Algorithmic Mechanism Design, Social Learning, and Strategic Communication. I am also interested in other areas of Theoretical Computer Science like Approximation Algorithms, Dynamic Algorithms, and Online Algorithms.

Previously, I obtained my MSc in Theoretical Computer Science from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Chennai, where I worked with Prof. Sayan Bhattacharya for my Master's thesis. Prior to that, I did my undergraduate studies in Mathematics at Indian Statistical Institute in Bangalore.

Upcoming and Recent News

I am currently on the job market! 

[Jul 24]

[Jun 24]

[May 24]

[Dec 23]

[Nov 23]

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[Aug 23]

[Jul 23]

Awards & Fellowship

Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowship, Fall 2022

Siebel Scholarship, Class of 2021

School of Engineering and Applied Science Award for Excellence, 2019

Department of Computer Science - Graduate Student Teaching Award, 2018