Divyarthi Mohan (she/her)
Boston University
Faculty of Computing & Data Science
Email d<lastname>@bu.edu
Hi! I am Divyarthi Mohan (I also go by Divya). I am a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculty of Computing and Data Science at Boston University hosted by Prof. Kira Goldner. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Tel Aviv University hosted by Prof. Michal Feldman. During Fall'22, I was a J.P. Morgan Research Fellow at the Simons Institute in Berkeley for the Graph Limits and Processes on Networks program.
I received my PhD in Computer Science from Princeton University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Matt Weinberg. During my PhD, I had the opportunity to work as a research intern at Microsoft and Google.
My research interest broadly lies at the intersection of Computer Science and Economics. I am primarily interested in Algorithmic Mechanism Design, Social Learning, and Strategic Communication. I am also interested in other areas of Theoretical Computer Science like Approximation Algorithms, Dynamic Algorithms, and Online Algorithms.
Previously, I obtained my MSc in Theoretical Computer Science from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Chennai, where I worked with Prof. Sayan Bhattacharya for my Master's thesis. Prior to that, I did my undergraduate studies in Mathematics at Indian Statistical Institute in Bangalore.
Selected Publications
with Nika Haghtalab, Nicole Immorlica, Brendan Lucier, Markus Mobius.
Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) 2024.
Featured in [popular press].
(NBER working paper version: Persuading with Anecdotes)
with Pravesh Kothari, Ariel Schvartzman, Sahil Singla, S. Matthew Weinberg.
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2019.
Invited paper at Highlights of Algorithms Conference (HALG) 2020.
Awards & Fellowship
Highlights Beyond EC 2024
Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowship, Fall 2022
Siebel Scholarship, Class of 2021
School of Engineering and Applied Science Award for Excellence, 2019
Department of Computer Science - Graduate Student Teaching Award, 2018
Upcoming and Recent News
I am currently on the job market!
[Dec 24]
I gave a talk in the Algorithms Seminar at Google on our paper Optimal Stopping with Interdependent Values.
[Nov 24]
I'll be giving a TCS+ talk on our paper Optimal Stopping with Interdependent Values.
[Oct 24]
I will be at the INFORMS Annual meeting in Seattle. I am giving a talk on Optimal Stopping with Interdependent Values on Sunday 8am (session SA09).
I gave talks at the Rutgers Theory Lunch and BU Algorithms & Theory seminar on "Optimal Stopping with Interdependent Values".
[Sep 24]
I gave a talk at the Mechanism Design group meeting at Princeton "Optimal Stopping with Interdependent Values"
I moved to Boston for my postdoc at BU!
[Jul 24]
Our FOCS 24 paper on Constant Approximation for Private Interdependent Valuations will be featured at Highlights Beyond EC 2024!
Our paper on Asynchronous Majority Dynamics on Binomial Random Graphs was accepted to APPROX 24!
[Jun 24]
I gave a talk at the IRIF Algorithms and Complexity Seminar on "Optimal Stopping with Interdependent Values"
I gave a talk at the Paris Game Theory Seminar on "Communicating with Anecdotes"
[May 24]
Our paper on Optimal Stopping with Interdependent Values was accepted to EC 2024!
Our paper on Private Interdependent Valuations: New Bounds for Single-Item Auctions and Matroids was accepted to EC 2024!
I am co-organizing a tutorial at EC 2024 on Approximation Mechanisms with Interdependent Values.
[Dec 23]
I gave a talk at the GLPN Reunion Workshop at the Simons Institute on "Asynchronous Majority Dynamics in Binomial Random Graphs".
[Nov 23]
Our paper on Communication with Anecdotes was accepted to ITCS 2024!
[Oct 23]
I am co-organizing a Wikipedia edit-a-thon at FOCS. See here for more details on how to participate: https://sites.google.com/view/tcs-edit-a-thon
[Aug 23]
I am visiting SLMath (MSRI), Berkeley this Fall as a research member in the Market and Mechanism Design program.
[Jul 23]
Our paper on Constant Approximation for Private Interdependent Valuations was accepted to FOCS 2023!
I'll be giving a spotlight talk at the GIW at EC on "Constant Approximation for Private Interdependent Valuations", and will also be at the EC poster sessions.